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For the pocket a cm incision was made along
For the pocket, a 6cm incision was made along the predefined Langer’s lines. Subcutaneous dissection was carried out using an electrosurgical cutting and coagulation device, parallel to the incision, down to the fascia overlying the latissimus dorsi muscle (shining transparent membrane). Intermuscu
De acuerdo con los planteamientos anteriores pensemos
De acuerdo con los planteamientos anteriores pensemos en la propuesta que se obtendría desde la obra de Villoro respecto kras-pdeδ inhibitor la situación política para un miembro perteneciente a una comunidad indígena, en tanto que además de pertenecer a ella se reconozca como ciudadano del Estado-n
enolase La Coordinadora entiende como imposible
La Coordinadora entiende como imposible la reconstrucción de su pueblo sin el territorio, sin el control territorial. Debemos recordar que en el pensamiento de la cam, la memoria del agravio hace legítima su visión de despojo y el reconocimiento que, en su momento, los mapuches tuvieron, que implicó
With the availability of vaccines screen and treat approache
With the availability of vaccines, screen-and-treat approaches, and effective drugs to treat hepatitis C virus, , and HIV infections, the question is no longer limited to what to do but now extends to how to implement. The expanding focus from basic research, drug development, and clinical trials th
WHO estimates that of people with
WHO estimates that 30–50% of people with tuberculosis are untreated, in part because of underdiagnosis. Patients with undiagnosed (or diagnosed and untreated) tuberculosis are most likely to transmit infection, so strategies to reduce disease burden should focus on improving the pathway to care for
Newer methods for assessing bone quality are under
Newer methods for assessing bone quality are under investigation, such as microindentation technique and high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT [23–25], but are regarded as exploratory. High resolution-peripheral quantitative CT appears to be better than DEXA at predicting fracture risk, but has
Lesh et al reported a complication rate during the
Lesh et al. [3] reported a 6.7% complication rate during the retrograde approach, most of which were attributable to arterial access. The most serious complication was the dissection of the left main coronary artery in 1 patient. In this procedure, the ablation catheter tip had lodged briefly in the
br Materials and methods We analyzed AF episodes
Materials and methods We analyzed AF episodes recorded using epicardial direct contact mapping in “one-kidney, one-clip” hypertensive sheep. This induced hypertension model has been described previously [15]. In brief, nephrectomy is performed on the right kidney followed by placement of a vascul
br Conflict of interest br Case presentation
Conflict of interest Case presentation A 41-year-old man with a history of palpitations refractory to multiple antiarrhythmic agents for several weeks was referred to our department. A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) demonstrated incessant narrow QRS complex tachycardia (cycle length of 580ms)
Em outro plano as violentas turbul ncias que sucederam
Em outro plano, as violentas turbulências que sucederam o grfa, ele próprio protagonista de um período de mudança acelerada, parecem ter difundido integrin signaling pathway acomodação aos parâmetros de uma ordem que parece estável, apesar de tudo. O drama da política peruana contemporânea é que a r
Phos-tag br Case report A year old
Case report A 49-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for SMVT treatment. He was diagnosed with DHCM at the age of 45 years in the referring hospital. His chief complaint was palpitations, and he was conscious and hemodynamically stable during the VT. A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) during
Este nuevo orden de lo
Este nuevo orden de “lo latinoamericano” ha afectado también en el estatuto de otras disciplinas, entre ellas literatura comparada, estudios étnicos, latinidad norteamericana, Caribe, sociología, pensamiento teológico y hasta en una nueva dimensión hemisférica de los American Studies. Son muchas las
La creaci n de un
La creación de un Tribunal Agroambiental en Bolivia cuyo objetivo es resolver cuestiones sobre uso y aprovechamiento de recursos naturales renovables, hídricos y forestales y demandas sobre la afectación del sistema ecológico y la conservación de especies o animales sugiere que los miembros de la As
br Especificidades del Cono Sur de
Especificidades del Cono Sur de América Latina Así como el suceso del Village marca un hito fundamental para la historia de las sexualidades disidentes norteamericanas, un evento particularmente importante ocurrido en 1942 en Argentina, “instaura una mácula que nuestros próceres se preocuparán, d
Despite the frequency of traumatic exposure
Despite the frequency of traumatic exposure, as demonstrated by results of epidemiological research, human beings seem to be very resilient, with estimates of trauma-related disorders in the general Asunaprevir being quite low. The European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders reported an
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